Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Những thành ngữ cần thiết nhất cho người học tiếng Anh

Call It Off = hủy bỏ
"Tonight's game was called off because of the rain."
Curiosity Killed The Cat = sự tò mò có thể rất nguy hiểm
"Hey, I wonder what's down that street; it looks awfully dark and creepy." Answer: "Let's not try to find out. Curiosity killed the cat."

Don't Count Your Chickens Until They're Hatched = trứng chưa nở đã đếm gà
"Next Friday I will be able to pay you back that money I owe you." Answer: "I won't becounting my chickens..."

Don't Put All Your Eggs In One Basket = đừng bỏ tất cả trứng vào 1 rổ, tức hãy chia đều những nguy cơ ra nhiều nơi để giảm rủi ro
"The best way to gamble is to only bet small amounts of money and never put all your eggs in one basket."

From Rags To Riches = từ nghèo khổ trở thành cự phú
"My uncle is a real rags to riches story."

Great Minds Think Alike = tư tưởng lớn gặp nhau
"I have decided that this summer I am going to learn how to scuba dive." Answer: "Me too! I have already paid for the course. Great minds think alike!"

It Takes Two To Tango = có lửa mới có khỏi
"Her husband is awful; they fight all the time." Answer: "It takes two to tango."

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