Monday, March 4, 2013

Adject Group 1


hard thi less fomal hon la difficult. Thuong dung trong cac cau truc la “ it is hard to say/imagine/believe..). mac du “ difficult” deu co the thay the tren nhung cau nay.
Challenging: chi kho khan trong mot cong viec thu vi ma kiem tra ve kha nang ( kieu nhu kho theo kieu danh do ay)
Tough : cung chi kho khan, nhung ngoai ra no con bao ham nhieu nghia nhu la “ noi quy nghiem khac” hay “ thit dai,cung” cung dung tu “tough”
Demanding : kho lam hay giai quyet va can nhieu no luc, ki nang va ca su kien tri nua.
arduous: can nhieu nang luong va no luc ( thuong dung trong cong viec hay chuyen di vat va)
laborious: ton nhieu thoi gian va no luc ( thuong dung cho cong viec yeu cau lam trong thoi gian dai)

1) The economy is down and ARDUOUS.This has been a CHALLENGING time for employee. It's too HARD and DIFFICULT to find a job at this time. That's the reason why the DEMANDING of emplyee is higher than recruiting. It's a LABOURIOUS task for goverment to try their best to through a TOUGH time at the moment.
2)The rule is getting more and more difficult.The more adjective you have, the more challenging you get. Therefore, make a sentence with every adjective in the group is always an arduous and technically demanding task. But it is not a big problem if we train hard and knowing the way to get through the tough time even it is a very slow and laborious process.I believe someday, we can reach the top of the mountain.
3) In 1872, Phileas Fogg decided to take the most challenging quest of mankind. It was called “Around the World in Eighty Days”. Through his adventure, he had to make a lot of tough decision to overcome his obstacles. There were many times when he needed to camouflage because his rivals did not want him to succeed. They shouted his name as criminal. There, out of darkness, the fugitive was running. He kept go forward because he know that reaching the goal was physically demanding. The explorer like him would never give up no matter what happened. Easy way or hard way, he had to choose. The brightest days would never come if there were no difficult boundaries. The story ended with the applause of people when the winner backed to his start in time. 

(Trích : Hội sĩ tử luyện thi IELTS)

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